divendres, 18 de març del 2016


   Last week the students from 3rd to 6th enjoyed a play based on the books we are reading these days:
"Teamwork" (3rd graders), "Pedro's project" (4th graders), "Mystery island" (5th graders) and "Footprints in the forest" (6th graders).
   The performance was played by Julia Davis a native English drama teacher. We were able to take part in the play, to performance ourselves while we learnt English and had a great time!
   The stories are really great and we are having a very good time reading them at school.
   If you want to see some pictures, you can click  

La setmana passada els alumnes de 3r a 6è vam gaudir d'una animació basada en els llibres que estem llegint aquests dies:
"Teamwork" (3è), "Pedro's project" (4t), "Mystery island" (5è) i "Footprints in the forest" (6è).
L'animació va anar a càrrec de la Julia Davis, una professora de teatre nadiva. Nosaltres vam poder participar, actuar i passar una bona estona tot aprenent anglès!
Les històries són realment maques i estem gaudint mentre les llegint a l'escola.
Si vols veure unes quantes fotos, clica a l'enllaç

dimecres, 16 de març del 2016

Easter is here!

Easter is coming and we will have some time to spend with our families and friends!

To celebrate it, P5 classes went for an Easter hunt where they have to find eggs in the class. Once they found them all, we had a big surprise and ate real chocolate eggs. They were delicious! Have a look how they did it on this link.

Here you have some songs related to Easter that you can listen in order to practise English and have fun at the same time.

Have a nice Easter and charge your batteries!

Ja arriba Setmana Santa i tindrem temps d'estar amb la familia i els amics!

Per celebrar-ho, les dues classes de P5 hem fet un joc de buscar ous de pasqua per les classes. Quan els hem trobat, hem tingut una gran sorpresa: ens esperaven ous de xocolata de veritat. Estaven boníssims! Feu una ullada en aquest enllaç i sabreu com ho hem fet.

Us deixem també alguns enllaços amb cançons relacionades amb la Pasqua per a practicar l'anglès d'una forma divertida.
Que tingueu una bona Setmana Santa i carregueu les piles!