dilluns, 16 de novembre del 2015

"Smelly Bear"... A great play in 2nd class!

Today the students of 2nd class have enjoyed a play based on the “Smelly Bear” book with a native English drama teacher. We were able to take part in the play and go on the stage, we learnt English and had a great time! The story is about Lucy, a little girl who rescues a very smelly old teddy bear from a bin in the park. She takes him home and washes him, and now he smells nice and clean. But something happens during a storm at night… and we will find out very soon! We can’t wait to finish the book in class!

If you want to see some pictures you can click here.

Avui els alumnes i les alumnes de 2n hem gaudit d’una animació lectora basada en el conte “Smelly Bear” amb una mestra de teatre nativa anglesa. Hem pogut formar part de l’animació i pujar a l’escenari, hem après anglès i ens ho hem passat pipa! La història tracta d’una nena, la Lucy, que rescata un os de peluix molt vell i pudent d’una paperera del parc. Se l’emporta a casa i el renta, ara olora molt bé. Però alguna cosa passa durant una nit de tempesta... I ho sabrem ben aviat! Estem impacients per acabar el conte el pròxim dia a classe!

Si voleu veure algunes de les fotos, cliqueu en aquest enllaç.

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