dimarts, 7 de juny del 2016

Cooking is fun!

Cooking is fun!

Last week the kids of 2nd class cooked three different food recipes. They made groups, made up a name for their team and wrote their own recipes, thinking about the ingredients and the steps to do it. That was the final part of a topic we have been working a lot on this term. We enjoyed a lot cooking, speaking in English and eating it, of course!  They are such good cooks!!
Click on this link to see the pictures.

Cuinar és divertit!

La setmana passada, els alumnes de 2n van cuinar tres receptes de cuina que ells mateixos van inventar i escriure per grups, tot pensant en els ingredients i passos que calia seguir. Aquesta activitat formava part del tema “El menjar” que hem anat treballant al llarg del trimestre. Vam gaudir molt cuinant, parlant en anglès i, per suposat, menjant! Són uns cuiners excel·lents!
Aneu al següent enllaç per veure les imatges.

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